"Giving Homeless Families A Chance"
The GMAC Family Shelter opened on February 27, 2020 as a 12 hour overnight emergency family shelter. At opening, we reached our capacity. The shelter accepts homeless families in Pierce County with children up to age 17. We are a smaller shelter, housing a maximum of eight (10) families.
Our shelter participates in the Pierce County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Under the COVID-19 pandemic, the shelter extended its hours of access from 12 to 24 hours. We are still currently operating on a 24 hour schedule until further notice.
What We Offer:
Laundry Services
Private Rooms
Three (3) meals a day prepared on site
Internet Access
Desktop computers
Emergency toiletries (while supplies last)
Emergency diapers and wipes (while supplies last)
Shoes and clothing (while inventory lasts)
(Coming Soon) Notary Services
Additional services or items as needed per family (usually done by collaboration with other organizations)
Onsite vehicle parking
Pierce Transit Bus passes (while supplies last)
Are you a homeless family living in Pierce County?
Call the office at (253) 572-6751 to inquire about our shelter and to check our availability
Are you a Case Manager or other Social Services Agency working with homeless families?
Feel free to call the office at (253) 754-1079 or(253) 572-6751 to get more information on our shelter